Handball Association of Hong Kong, China has been
granted funding from Sir David Trench Fund for Recreation (Main
Fund) for 2021-22 to support its purchase of Kids
Handball equipment under Non-Capital Works Projects.
2011 - 2012 Sir David Trench Fund for Recreation (Main
Handball Association of Hong Kong, China has been
from Sir David Trench Fund for Recreation (Main
Fund) to fund the procurement of Enhancement of Handball
elite training and promotion of the sport of handball
for the year of 2011-2012.
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Handball Association
of Hong Kong, China
香港 銅鑼灣 掃桿埔 大球場徑一號 奧運大樓2007室 Room
2007, Olympic House, 1 Stadium Path, So
Kon Po, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong